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Specialized Financial Planning &
Investment Management Solutions

Discover Our Advantage

Planning, to Enjoy the Journey

For over 20 years, Financial Steward Associates has utilized a team-based approach to address the financial needs of people like you by understanding their family dynamics and what their goals consist of. From building a nest egg to funding your child’s education, preparing for retirement and using your assets to create a “play” check, our team is committed to supporting you in balancing your finances and your life.

Our Mission at FSA

We help inspire individuals and families to define and express their financial goals and facilitate a process to help pursue those goals. Success comes when this process makes a positive difference in your life.

Comprehensive Financial Planning

For Those Working to Align Their Entire Picture

Holistic Thinking

FSA is more than an investment firm - we consider ourselves to be a guide in understanding the entirety of your financial picture. We strive to do what’s best for you and work tirelessly as your partner to navigate the complexities.

Wealth Empowerment

As your partner in planning, we want to empower you to make prosperous decisions. Through close collaboration, our team will implement a plan of action associated with your finances and/or portfolio to help you move forward in a confident manner.

Specialized Strategies

We believe in thinking outside of the box. As such, we are not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom in our approach to investing and preserving wealth. All of our energy, commitment and efforts are focused on you and your success.

We take our relationship with you seriously and we’re dedicated to building a genuine connection.

From the start, you’ll get a good sense of how we plan to work with you - for the long run. We want to understand what’s important to you and support your decisions in turn. With the guidance of multiple team advisors, you’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, get to know us and learn more about how we can help.